Solar Energy Is Heating UP! No doubt you've heard plenty about solar power. Maybe you see solar on roofs throughout your neighborhood or in other residential area. Have you considered going solar? Most often people think solar is too expensive. Affordability is within reach for many homeowners and commercial businesses because of local State Tax Credits and Federal Tax Credits. There are too many “carrots” out in the solar space that are helping many businesses and families add solar on their roof tops. Tax and money savings should not be the only thing on your mind when considering solar. Price. Not price of the installation or the new price of your electricity bill after you go through with solar panels. Think about fuel prices climbing and solar cells becoming more reasonable as technology improves and the competition between providers adds downward pressure to solar panel pricing. Adding solar power to your home is a great, long-term solution to high energy bills in a world where bills-especially energy bills-continue to climb. That isn't to say solar panels and installation is dirt cheap. Before rebates, credits, and other factors, it typically takes 6-10 years for a homeowner
to make their investment in solar panels back. That's much longer than the average person is willing to wait. However, many states now offer rebates, so the final out of pocket cost for homeowners and businesses are much less than previous years where the rebates were nonexistent. The rebates vary from state to state. Sadly, Texas does not offer a rebate. The Federal Government does allow 26% of the total installation cost (including permitting) to be used as a tax credit. For example, if your total project cost is $20,000 then you tax credit would be $5,200. Solar panels are also steadily becoming more efficient. They produce more energy than they used to. They require relatively little maintenance, other than a regular cleaning. The regular cleaning can be quarterly, twice a year, or at a minimum once a year. Cleaning solar panels is Solar Pros Cleaning SVC purpose. With our specialize equipment we can give your solar panels a gentle clean that will have them absorbing sun just like the day you first installed them on your roof. Here at Solar Pros Cleaning SVC we get lots of questions, please see our FAQ page for more details. Does rain clean my solar panels? That is the number one question we get. Rain can only clean your solar panels as good as rain cleans your car. If you rely on the rain to solely clean your car—well we all not what your car would look like. Finally, choosing to use solar power in your home is an investment you can appreciate on many levels. Let us be your Texas cleaning provider. With regularly cleaned panels you will generate more electricity than you would with dirty unmaintained panels. More efficient sun absorption will save you money. Solar cleaning is worth every dollar spent. Just like choosing to go solar in the first place choose to have your solar panels cleaned for maximum sun absorption and energy production.